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Little Sinner
About The Project
My Contribution:
Creating the second level out of 3
Level Propping / Level Art using a gridsystem in Unity.
Iterating on other levels for a concise experience
Layout design for the etire project
Production time:
8 weeks half-speed = Around 160 hours.
Unity as a level editor
Game Engine made by the group
The team:
3 Level Designers
4 Graphic Artists
2 Animators
4 Game Programmers
Level Design Process
At the start of the project we wanted to create an experience where the player would feel stronger over time. The result was levels that gets harder over time and ends in a bang where you kill the depiction of god.
Pen and paper
Since we were going to create a topdown experience, drawing the levels on paper translated great into the actual gameplay.
In the early stages we drew the levels while coming up with an idea for how to work in Unity.
Tilemaps in Unity
The maps where created using a tilemap system in Unity, allowing us to draw out meshes on a grid. It ment that we could create blockouts really fast and get a game running early on in the process.
The same tilemap was then used to create the decoration. We painted out the decoration in a different layer of the grid and then put it on a slight offset by hand. Creating a workflow that allowed us to tweak the decoration for a flat game efficiently.
Closing thoughts
Creating a flat game with a set perspective turned out to be an interesting challenge. It meant that we needed to be very thoughtful of what the player sees on screen while traversing close to borders. With this mindset we could create direction for the player by showing bits of areas that would keep the player interested in progressing.
This is one of the projects that I would love to keep working on. The perspective and potential in puzzles allow for a very interesting take on level design.
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