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Spite: The false god
About The Project
My Contribution:
Level Designing all levels together with LD colleagues, switching ownership.
Scripting world events
Level Propping / Level Art
Lighting all scenes
Iterating on all sounds in the level and how they are triggered.
Member in Story task force
Production time:
10 weeks half-speed = Around 200 hours.
"Tiled" as a level editor
Game Engine made by the team
The team:
3 Level Designers
4 Graphic Artists
2 Animators
3 Technical Artists
5 Game Programmers
Level Design Process
The project was made using Unreal Engine 5, exporting levels through json-files into our own engine called "Ghastlight".
Pen and paper into engine
Modular pieces
We had decided early on in the project to use a set of models created by Thea Arnman.
These where made early on lettings us experiment with the level structure using modular pieces that fit together.
A navmesh was used for both the player and the enemies. We used bounding boxes in unreal and exported the navmesh to our engine.
This let us use a workflow where we easily could manipulate where the player was allowed to walk and not.
With a linear level we wanted to experiment with how we could present the path in a way that kept the player going.
Level design iteration
We worked in tandem with eachother on the level design. While having the responsibility for one level each we iterated on eachothers pieces.
This broke down any barriers we had about our own design and let us cooperate to create uniform levels and eliminate flaws in the design
Drawover iteration of an area. We used photopea, photoshop and procreate to give feedback quickly.
Closing thoughts
This project was a deep delve into creating different scenarios with a very limiting goal. We got metrics and cameras to start off with which limited "free thinking" when adding new things. It was a learning experience to create levels from a very set point of view and challenges arised regarding things such as never hiding the player behind an asset.
Making a project with limited metrics was good learning experience since the goal was set from the very start, allowing for a focus on the level design.
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